About that attitude other people have commented on...
People who officially review movies tend to not make movies themselves, yet they can still be insightful. In fact, it can give you an outside view that, as a "director" you can't notice. Outside opinions can be much more insightful than "inside" opinions. What artists may find amazing, an outside group may see it as trash thrown on a canvas.
In this case, you were trying to be entertaining, and if the outside reviewers don't find it entertaining, you should appreciate that there are some that are telling you how and why it wasn't. Thus, you can improve.
...You know, taking what some of them (the genuine critiques, not the idiots) to heart. Instead of gloating over getting front page.
Seriously, nobody will remember in a year about most front page stuff (minus professional, super amazing stuff like Bitey of Brackenwood.) So enjoy all of this attention. You're getting so many suggestions on how to improve your abilities.
This is an opportunity that other, equally talented artists would kill for. I know I'd love creative tips on my audio portal stuff, yet all I've seen you do is be arrogant to people who didn't give you a high score.
And if other people are unhelpful jerks, screw them. But you don't have to make yourself look just as bad as they are. =l
Liked the art style. Screw people saying you can't draw, I thought the art was well done.
I was also impressed that you did this in only 4 days, and you had good use of music. PS: Nice background attention.
Ending was kind I get the whole parody bit, but it just didn't grab my attention. The beginning where they divided by zero is not only an old joke but the humorous effect only lasted around 2 seconds for me; after which I lost most interest in the flash D: So it gets a 6 from me, for effort and detail attention. But minus points for the old just didn't hold my interest for as long as the flash was.